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Token Economy In ABA: Definition, Examples & Application

Token economy is a behavior modification technique that is widely used in applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy. It is a system of rewards that is used to reinforce positive behavior and reduce negative behavior. In this article, we'll discuss what token economy is, how it works, and its effectiveness in ABA therapy.
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What is Token Economy?

Token economy is a type of behavior modification technique that uses tokens or points as rewards for positive behavior. Tokens can be any item that is valued by the individual, such as stickers, chips, or coins. The tokens are given to the individual immediately after they exhibit the desired behavior.

Tokens can be exchanged later for a preferred item or activity, such as toys, games, or extra screen time.

Token economy is based on the principles of operant conditioning, which is the idea that behavior is shaped by its consequences. Positive behavior is reinforced by rewarding it, while negative behavior is reduced by ignoring it or using punishment.

Token economy is effective because it reinforces positive behavior without the need for immediate rewards. It also provides a visual representation of progress, which can be motivating for individuals.

How Does Token Economy Work in ABA Therapy?

Token economy is a commonly used technique in ABA therapy, which is a form of therapy that focuses on the principles of behaviorism to teach new skills and reduce unwanted behaviors. In ABA therapy, token economy is used to reinforce positive behavior and teach new skills.

The first step in implementing token economy in ABA therapy is to identify the specific behaviors that need to be reinforced. This may include behaviors such as following instructions, completing tasks, or demonstrating appropriate social skills.

Once the target behaviors have been identified, the therapist will create a token economy system that is tailored to the individual's needs.

The token economy system typically involves a chart or board that displays the target behaviors and the corresponding tokens.

The individual earns tokens for exhibiting the target behaviors, and the tokens are exchanged later for a preferred item or activity. The therapist will also set up a schedule for token exchanges, which may be daily, weekly, or monthly.

The effectiveness of token economy in ABA therapy depends on several factors, including the individual's motivation and the consistency of the rewards. It is important for the rewards to be meaningful and desirable to the individual in order to maintain their motivation. The rewards should also be consistent and timely to reinforce the desired behavior.

How To Use Token Economy In ABA Therapy

Token economy is one of the most effective behavior modification techniques used in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. Here are some steps to follow when using token economy in ABA therapy:

  1. Identify Target Behaviors: The first step in using token economy in ABA therapy is to identify the target behaviors that need to be reinforced. This could include behaviors such as completing tasks, following instructions, or exhibiting appropriate social skills.
  2. Choose Tokens: Tokens can be any item that is valued by the individual, such as stickers, chips, or coins. It's important to choose tokens that are meaningful and desirable to the individual in order for them to be motivated to earn them.
  3. Create a Token Chart: Once you have identified the target behaviors and chosen the tokens, create a token chart or board that displays the target behaviors and corresponding tokens.
  4. Determine Token Exchange Schedule: Decide on a schedule for exchanging tokens for rewards. This could be daily, weekly or monthly depending on the individual's needs.
  5. Reinforce Positive Behaviors: Whenever an individual exhibits positive behavior, immediately reward them with a token and praise them for their efforts.
  6. Exchange Tokens for Rewards: At the end of each exchange period, allow individuals to exchange their earned tokens for preferred items or activities.
  7. Monitor Progress: Keep track of progress by regularly reviewing the token chart and identifying areas where improvement is needed.

Overall, token economy is an effective technique for reinforcing positive behavior and teaching new skills in ABA therapy. By following these steps, you can create a successful token economy system tailored to an individual's needs and goals.

Is Token Economy Effective in ABA Therapy?

Research has shown that token economy is an effective technique for reinforcing positive behavior and reducing negative behavior in ABA therapy.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis found that token economy was effective in increasing appropriate behavior and decreasing inappropriate behavior in individuals with developmental disabilities.

Another study published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders found that token economy was effective in increasing social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

The study found that the use of token economy resulted in significant improvements in social skills and communication.

Examples Of Token Economy

Examples of token economy can vary depending on the individual's needs and preferences. Some common examples include:

  • Classroom token economy: Teachers may use a token economy system in the classroom to reinforce positive behavior, such as participating in class discussions, completing homework, or being kind to classmates. Students can earn tokens for exhibiting these behaviors and exchange them for rewards such as stickers, extra recess time, or a preferred activity.
  • Home-based token economy: Parents may also use a token economy system at home to reinforce positive behavior and reduce negative behavior. For example, children can earn tokens for completing chores, following household rules, or showing kindness to siblings. Tokens can be exchanged later for rewards such as screen time, extra playtime, or a special treat.
  • Token boards: Token boards are a type of visual aid that is commonly used in ABA therapy to reinforce positive behavior. The board displays the target behavior and the corresponding tokens that can be earned. As the individual earns more tokens, they can see their progress towards earning a reward.


Token economy is a valuable technique in ABA therapy for reinforcing positive behavior and teaching new skills. It is important to tailor the token economy system to the individual's needs and preferences in order to maintain their motivation and ensure its effectiveness.

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