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Hyposensitivity in Autism: All You Need to Know

In this article, we will explore what hyposensitivity is, how it affects those with autism, and what can be done to help.
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Understanding Hyposensitivity in Autism

To gain a deeper understanding of hyposensitivity in the context of autism, it is important to explore what hyposensitivity entails and how it relates to autism.

What is Hyposensitivity?

Hyposensitivity refers to a diminished or decreased sensitivity to sensory input in one or more sensory systems. In other words, individuals with hyposensitivity may have a reduced response to sensory stimuli that would typically be perceived as intense or overwhelming by others.

This can manifest in various ways across the different sensory modalities, including touch, taste, smell, sight, sound, and movement.

Hyposensitivity in the Context of Autism

Hyposensitivity is a common sensory processing difference observed in individuals on the autism spectrum. It is estimated that approximately 70-95% of individuals with autism experience sensory processing challenges, including hyposensitivity. These sensory differences can significantly impact how individuals with autism perceive and interact with the world around them.

In the case of hyposensitivity, individuals may seek out sensory input or engage in behaviors that provide additional stimulation to compensate for the reduced sensory response. For example, they may engage in repetitive movements, seek out strong flavors or textures, or enjoy activities that involve intense sensory input, such as bouncing or spinning.

Understanding hyposensitivity in the context of autism is crucial for parents and caregivers as it helps explain why individuals with autism may have unique sensory preferences and seek specific types of sensory experiences.

By recognizing and addressing hyposensitivity, parents and caregivers can better support individuals with autism in their daily lives and create environments that promote their well-being and development.

Sensory Processing Differences in Autism

Individuals with autism often experience sensory processing differences, which can manifest in various ways. Two common sensory processing challenges are hyperresponsiveness and hyposensitivity.

Hyperresponsiveness vs. Hyposensitivity

Hyperresponsiveness refers to an increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli. Individuals who are hyperresponsive may become overwhelmed or distressed by certain sounds, textures, or visual stimuli. They may exhibit strong reactions or seek to avoid these sensory inputs.

On the other hand, hyposensitivity, also known as sensory underresponsiveness, refers to a decreased sensitivity to sensory stimuli. Individuals who are hyposensitive may have a diminished response to sensory inputs, requiring more intense or prolonged stimulation to register sensory information.

To better understand the differences, let's compare hyperresponsiveness and hyposensitivity:

Sensory Processing Difference Hyperresponsiveness Hyposensitivity
Sensitivity to sensory stimuli Heightened sensitivity Reduced sensitivity
Reaction to sensory inputs Strong reactions or avoidance Diminished response
Threshold for sensory input Lower threshold Higher threshold
Impact on daily life Overwhelm or distress Difficulty recognizing sensory input

Common Sensory Processing Challenges in Autism

In addition to hyperresponsiveness and hyposensitivity, individuals with autism may face a range of sensory processing challenges. These challenges can affect various sensory domains, including:

  • Auditory: Difficulty filtering out background noise, sensitivity to certain sounds, or difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments.
  • Visual: Sensitivity to bright lights, busy visual environments, or specific visual patterns.
  • Tactile: Discomfort with certain textures or fabrics, aversion to light touch or certain pressure, or seeking out deep pressure.
  • Gustatory: Picky eating due to sensitivity to tastes or textures of food.
  • Olfactory: Heightened sensitivity or diminished response to certain smells.
  • Proprioceptive: Difficulty sensing body position or movement, leading to challenges with coordination and motor skills.
  • Vestibular: Sensitivity to certain movements, such as spinning or swinging.

Understanding these sensory processing challenges can help parents and caregivers provide appropriate support and create sensory-friendly environments for individuals with hyposensitivity and other sensory differences in autism.

Signs and Symptoms of Hyposensitivity

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of hyposensitivity in individuals with autism is crucial for understanding their sensory processing differences.

Hyposensitivity refers to a decreased sensitivity to sensory input, which can impact how individuals perceive and respond to the world around them. In the context of autism, hyposensitivity can manifest in various ways. Let's explore two common signs and symptoms: sensory seeking behaviors and difficulty recognizing sensory input.

Sensory Seeking Behaviors

One of the key indicators of hyposensitivity in autism is the presence of sensory seeking behaviors. Individuals with hyposensitivity may actively seek out intense sensory experiences to compensate for their reduced sensory sensitivity. These behaviors serve as a way to stimulate their sensory systems and increase their awareness of sensory input.

Some examples of sensory seeking behaviors include:

  • Craving strong or intense sensory experiences, such as seeking out loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells.
  • Engaging in repetitive movements, such as rocking, spinning, or flapping their hands, to stimulate their senses.
  • Seeking out tactile stimulation by touching or rubbing textured surfaces, seeking deep pressure, or enjoying activities that provide strong sensory input, such as jumping or crashing into objects.

It's important to note that sensory seeking behaviors can vary from person to person. While some individuals may exhibit more obvious sensory seeking behaviors, others may engage in more subtle ways. Understanding and recognizing these behaviors can assist in providing appropriate support and interventions.

Difficulty Recognizing Sensory Input

Another common sign of hyposensitivity in autism is the difficulty individuals may have in recognizing and processing sensory input. Due to their reduced sensitivity, individuals with hyposensitivity may struggle to notice or respond appropriately to sensory stimuli in their environment. This can affect their ability to recognize important cues and may impact their social interactions and daily functioning.

Signs of difficulty recognizing sensory input may include:

  • Insensitivity to pain, temperature, or physical stimuli, leading to a lack of response or delayed reaction when experiencing discomfort or injury.
  • Difficulty detecting or responding to subtle changes in the environment, such as not noticing background noise, temperature fluctuations, or odors.
  • Challenges with body awareness and coordination, as individuals may have difficulty perceiving their body position in space or recognizing the amount of force they are exerting.

Understanding these signs can help parents and caregivers better support individuals with hyposensitivity in autism. By recognizing and addressing these challenges, appropriate interventions can be implemented to enhance their sensory experiences and overall well-being.

Being aware of the signs and symptoms of hyposensitivity in autism is the first step towards providing the necessary support and accommodations. By understanding how hyposensitivity manifests in individuals with autism, we can create environments and interventions that promote their comfort, engagement, and overall sensory well-being.

Impact on Daily Life

Individuals with hyposensitivity in autism often face unique challenges in their daily activities and experiences. The impact of hyposensitivity can be far-reaching, affecting various aspects of life, including daily activities and learning and development.

Challenges in Daily Activities

Hyposensitivity can significantly impact an individual's ability to navigate and engage with their environment. Some common challenges experienced by individuals with hyposensitivity in daily activities include:

  1. Reduced awareness of pain and physical sensations: Hyposensitivity can make it difficult for individuals to recognize and respond appropriately to pain or discomfort. This can lead to injuries or health issues going unnoticed.
  2. Difficulties with temperature regulation: Those with hyposensitivity may struggle to sense and respond to changes in temperature. They may not feel adequately warm or cold, which can make dressing appropriately for weather conditions a challenge.
  3. Limited awareness of their body position and movements: Hyposensitivity can affect an individual's proprioception, making it difficult to perceive where their body is in space. This can result in clumsiness, poor coordination, and difficulties with activities that require precise motor skills.
  4. Reduced sensitivity to touch and pressure: Individuals with hyposensitivity may have decreased sensitivity to touch, making it challenging to detect light touches or variations in pressure. This can impact their ability to interact socially, as well as their personal grooming and self-care routines.

Implications for Learning and Development

Hyposensitivity can also have implications for learning and development. The diminished sensory input experienced by individuals with hyposensitivity can impact their ability to process and respond to information effectively. Some key implications include:

  1. Difficulty focusing and attending to tasks: Hyposensitivity may lead to difficulties in filtering out irrelevant sensory stimuli, making it challenging to concentrate on specific tasks. This can affect learning, classroom participation, and overall academic performance.
  2. Limited awareness of social cues and non-verbal communication: Hyposensitivity can make it difficult for individuals to perceive and interpret social cues, facial expressions, and body language. This can impact their ability to understand and respond appropriately in social interactions.
  3. Reduced motivation and engagement: Individuals with hyposensitivity may require additional sensory input to feel engaged and motivated. Without this input, they may appear unmotivated or disinterested in certain activities, which can affect their learning and overall development.
  4. Challenges with sensory regulation and self-regulation: Hyposensitivity can disrupt an individual's ability to regulate their emotions and behavior in response to sensory input. This can lead to difficulties in managing stress, frustration, and anxiety.

Understanding these challenges and implications is crucial in providing appropriate support and accommodations for individuals with hyposensitivity in autism. By implementing strategies that address these specific needs, individuals can be better supported in their daily activities and achieve their full potential in learning and development.

Strategies for Supporting Individuals with Hyposensitivity

When it comes to providing support for individuals with hyposensitivity in the context of autism, there are several strategies that can be beneficial. These strategies aim to help individuals better process and respond to sensory input. Some of the effective approaches include sensory integration therapy, environmental modifications, and occupational therapy techniques.

Sensory Integration Therapy

Sensory integration therapy is a specialized approach that focuses on helping individuals with autism and sensory processing differences develop more effective ways of processing sensory information. This therapy involves engaging individuals in purposeful activities that provide sensory input in a controlled and structured manner.

The goal of sensory integration therapy is to help individuals with hyposensitivity improve their ability to process and respond to sensory stimuli. Therapists use a variety of techniques, such as swinging, bouncing, and deep pressure, to stimulate the sensory systems. Through repeated exposure and guided practice, individuals can gradually develop more appropriate responses to sensory input.

Environmental Modifications

Making modifications to the environment can greatly enhance the comfort and functioning of individuals with hyposensitivity. Creating a sensory-friendly environment involves minimizing overwhelming stimuli and providing appropriate sensory input. Here are some environmental modifications that can be helpful:

  • Sensory Break Areas: Designated areas where individuals can retreat to when feeling overwhelmed, equipped with sensory tools like weighted blankets, fidget toys, or noise-cancelling headphones.
  • Lighting and Sound: Adjusting the lighting levels and reducing background noise to create a more calming environment.
  • Visual Supports: Using visual schedules, timers, and cues to provide structure and predictability, which can help reduce anxiety and improve engagement.

By tailoring the environment to meet the sensory needs of individuals with hyposensitivity, it can support their overall well-being and participation in daily activities.

Occupational Therapy Techniques

Occupational therapy plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with hyposensitivity by addressing their sensory processing differences and helping them develop skills for daily life. Occupational therapists use various techniques to facilitate sensory integration and improve functional abilities. Some commonly used occupational therapy techniques include:

  • Brushing Protocol: Deep pressure brushing techniques that can help regulate sensory input and improve body awareness.
  • Heavy Work Activities: Engaging in activities that provide deep pressure input, such as pushing or carrying heavy objects, to promote a more organized state and enhance attention and focus.
  • Proprioceptive Input: Activities that involve joint compression or resistance, such as jumping, climbing, or playing with therapy putty, to improve body awareness and coordination.

Occupational therapy sessions are tailored to the specific needs of each individual, focusing on developing skills and strategies to navigate daily life with greater comfort and independence.

By implementing these strategies, individuals with hyposensitivity can receive the support they need to better process sensory input and engage in daily activities. It's important to remember that every individual is unique, and strategies should be tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Consulting with professionals in the field can provide further guidance and support in developing a personalized plan for individuals with hyposensitivity.

Embracing and Celebrating Neurodiversity

As we strive for a more inclusive society, it is important to embrace and celebrate the neurodiversity that exists within our communities. This includes individuals with hyposensitivity in the context of autism. By promoting understanding and acceptance, as well as advocating for inclusive environments, we can create a world that values and supports the unique strengths and needs of every individual.

Promoting Understanding and Acceptance

Promoting understanding and acceptance of hyposensitivity in autism is crucial in fostering a more inclusive society. Educating ourselves and others about the sensory processing differences experienced by individuals with autism can help dispel misconceptions and build empathy.

By understanding that hyposensitivity is a valid and real experience, we can create an environment that acknowledges and respects the sensory needs of individuals with autism.

To promote understanding and acceptance, it is essential to:

  • Provide education and awareness programs that highlight the sensory processing challenges faced by individuals with autism.
  • Encourage open and respectful discussions about neurodiversity and the experiences of individuals with hyposensitivity.
  • Share personal stories and experiences to humanize the impact of hyposensitivity in autism and promote empathy.
  • Foster a culture of acceptance and inclusion by challenging stereotypes and promoting positive representations of individuals with autism in media and society.

Advocating for Inclusive Environments

Creating inclusive environments is a critical step towards supporting individuals with hyposensitivity in autism. By advocating for changes in our communities, schools, workplaces, and public spaces, we can ensure that individuals with autism have equal access to opportunities and are empowered to thrive.

Some strategies for advocating for inclusive environments include:

  • Encouraging the implementation of sensory-friendly design principles in public spaces, such as reducing excessive noise, providing quiet areas, and considering lighting and color schemes.
  • Collaborating with schools and educators to develop sensory-friendly classrooms and accommodations that meet the needs of students with hyposensitivity.
  • Promoting workplace policies that accommodate the sensory needs of employees with autism, such as providing quiet spaces, flexible schedules, and sensory breaks.
  • Supporting legislation and policies that protect the rights of individuals with autism and ensure equal access to education, employment, and public services.

By embracing and celebrating neurodiversity, promoting understanding and acceptance, and advocating for inclusive environments, we can create a society that values and respects the unique experiences and strengths of individuals with hyposensitivity in autism. Together, we can work towards a more inclusive and supportive world for all.


What are some common signs of hyposensitivity in individuals with autism?

Some common signs of hyposensitivity in individuals with autism include seeking out sensory input, difficulty processing sensory information, and challenges with coordination and body awareness. Additionally, they may not be aware of their body position, have difficulty with self-regulation, and seem clumsy or uncoordinated.

Can hyposensitivity affect all senses?

Yes, hyposensitivity can affect all senses including touch, sound, taste, smell and even the sense of balance (vestibular sense).

How is hyposensitivity different from hypersensitivity?

Hyposensitivity refers to a decreased sensitivity to sensory input while hypersensitivity refers to an increased sensitivity to sensory input. While individuals with hyposensitivity may seek out more sensory input to compensate for the decreased sensitivity, those with hypersensitivity may become overwhelmed by the same stimuli.

Is there a cure for hyposensitivity in autism?

There is no cure for autism or its associated symptoms such as hyposensitivity. However, there are various therapies and interventions that can help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. It is important to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets the individual's unique needs.


Hyposensitivity is a complex aspect of autism that can have a significant impact on an individual's life. By understanding what hyposensitivity is and how it affects those with autism, we can work to provide the support and resources needed to thrive. With the right strategies and tools, individuals with hyposensitivity can learn to process sensory input in a way that works for them, leading to improved social interactions, communication, and overall quality of life.


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